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Can you please share the png files? It's impossible to open that files without aseprite.


Really like this!

Thanks! I was a bit hesitant at first. I wasn't sure if people would be interested in "rejected assets", but hopefully people find use of them.

(1 edit)

Hey Poltergasm,

Do you have any old/discontinued project game codes?
(This is the worst possible to ask questions, I regret it. :-<)


lol it's okay. I do have A LOT of old projects written using love2d. I may upload them at some point.

+1, It will be nice to see it.


Hi Poltergasm :)

The pacmans looks cute 🥰


Thanks! Yeah I was pretty bummed out when nothing came from that. I was looking forward to platformer Pac-Man D:


I understand :( 

The idea sounds great